About me

To learn things about me you did not know you wanted to know go here:
To learn more about the TinyOS8051 Working group, providing a TinyOS port to CC2430 (a 8051 or mcs51 based SoC).
Random notes on life, the universe and everything
Various Linux stuff that I have been involved in at some point or an other
Netmusik, netlydbog i Linux Brug bibliotekernes Netmusik og Netlydbog i Linux og mobile afspillere
Mobilt Bredbånd Telia Mobilt Bredbånd med Huawei e220 i Ubuntu (7.10)
dr.dk i Ubuntu Noter om "Det vil jeg se" (dr.dk) i Ubuntu Linux
Ubuntu on x40 My notes on installing Ubuntu Linux on an IBM x40 Laptop
Debian on x40 My notes on installing Debian Linux on an IBM x40 Laptop
MA-8230P My notes on getting a Mobile Action MA-8230P serial data cable for a Samsung X460 mobile phone to work in Linux
PMR-Baehr cableDiagram for connecting a Beahr helmet to a PMR radio
MergedFB for Xorg 7.0Notes on using MergedFB with radeon 9250 and Xorg 7.0
Rsync snapshotA simple backup script that uses rsync and ssh to "push" a backup to a remote server (without requiring a root login).
mlmmj scriptsA new-malinglist and a web archive script for the mlmmj mailing list manager
e2salvage Tool to salvage data from a crashed hard drive (hopefully)
Various patches
One of my interests is free, open software. These are my feeble attempts to try to get involved. Hopefully with time the list will grow both in length and the patches in importance.
ibm-acpi-0.11-kernel-2.6.12.patch Linux-2.6.12 25/01 2006 Unsubmitted Allows a clean complile of ibm-acpi 0.11 for Linux kernel 2.6.12 (and probably greater).
gphoto-medion6126 libgphoto-2.1.4 19/05 2004 Accepted Makes the Ricoh driver accept the Medion 6126 digicam
replyAllreplyTo Balsa-1.4.1 16/11 2002 Pending Adds the "From" address of a message to the "CC" field when using reply-to-all and "Return-Path" is set.
findMailingList Balsa-1.3.6 18/05 2002 Rejected Automatically make Balsa guess the right "From" address based on "Delivered-To" and "Original-Recipient" (rejected since the headers are non-standard).
snoop Linux-2.4.17 01/03 2002 Unsubmitted A patch to snoop the file system activity a more elaborate version is available from Niels Elgaard
bidirectional Bluez-utils-2.0-pre9 27/05 2002 Pending Added bidirectional test for the Bluez l2test
Hcitool help Bluez-2.0-pre9 11/05 2002 Accepted Syntax clarification
Inq help Bluez-utils-2.0-pre9 11/05 2002 Pending Usage clarification
InqNresp Bluez-utils-2.0-pre6 03/04 2002 Rejected More elaborate command line parsing and specify number of responses when doing inquiry. Idea used to something similar rewrite by Maksim Krasnyanskiy.
Inq help Bluez-2.0-pre9 11/05 2002 Pending Usage clarification
Bluez-2.0-pre7 28/03 2002 Accepted New command to read the inquiry parameters of a BT device
CBR Bluehoc 3.0 28/03 2002 Unsubmitted Allow ns CBR traffic generator to read parameters from .tcl file
pccl Psxdev2.0 14/04 2002 Pending Updated the psxdev pccl driver for the 2.4.x kernel series. I sent the patch to the author, but I don't expect him to include it, since he seems to have stopped working on psxdev completely. Patch with:"cd psxdev-core-2.0.0/pccl; patch -p2 < [path]/psxdev-core-2.0.0.pccl.patch; make all".
Martin Leopold Created on January 11, 2006
Last modification on Jan 17, 2009